18 July 2010

Arabic as a Foreign Language العربية لغير الناطقين بها: Spoken Egyptian Arabic

Arabic as a Foreign Language العربية لغير الناطقين بها: Spoken Egyptian Arabic

Spoken Egyptian Arabic

(CNN) -- من المعروف أن بين العرب جميعاً أن الشعب المصري، هو "الأخف دماً" بين أشقائه العرب، يبدو أن هذه النتيجة أصبحت حقيقة علمية وعالمية، فقد توصل باحث ألماني إلى أن المصريين هم أكثر الشعوب ميلاً للضحك، برغم أوضاعهم الاقتصادية والاجتماعية

This comedy is one of the best to learn every day conversation (Egyptian)-intermediate - Advanced)ابحث في النت عن الفنان فؤاد المهندس

09 July 2010

YouTube - مخارج الحروف العربية و أسمائها بالرسم التوضيحي

YouTube - مخارج الحروف العربية و أسمائها بالرسم التوضيحي
Also you can get this video(or similar)via your iPhone or ipad .just go to ITune application and search for Quran Lit, it is FREE application. once downloaded,click on MAKARAJ.

Arabic Grammar: Definition

YouTube - Ibn Mandhoor Institute - Arabic Grammar: Definition

Ibn Mandhoor Institute - Arabic Grammar: Definition

Ibn Mandhoor - Learn Arabic Grammar - The Nominal Sentence

Arabic Numbers - Ibn Mandhoor Institute

Arabic Vocabulary 1 - Ibn Mandhoor Institute

Ibn Mandhoor - Learn Arabic Grammar - Arabic Listening Practice

Arabic Vocabulary 2 - Ibn Mandhoor Institute

04 July 2010

Aswaat Arabiyya: My Travels/أسفاري ورحلاتي

Aswaat Arabiyya: My Travels/أسفاري ورحلاتي

These listening texts reinforce the vocabulary and structure you have learned.and provide an opportunity to sharpen phonological skills as well as develop the ability to process increasing lengths of text through listening.

YouTube - مسجد الحسين بمصر

YouTube - مسجد الحسين بمصر
Please remember to turn off the Arabic's video music (On the left.
Culture :
Listening materials about مسجد الحسين On unit 10 of AL-Kitaab الكتاب في تعلم اللغة العربية page 172. )(start from segment 116)
You are not required to translate every word.Look at the picture and think of the word.This is an opportunity to develope phonological skills as well as develop your ability to process increasing lengths of text through listening.

Her is a video about Fatima in Arabic.

YouTube - old arabic songs

YouTube - old arabic songs
Relax, stop reading and enjoy this song, it is one of the best.
Please remember to turn off the other video's music box off(on the left).